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Home > About > Connell House

Connell House

Constructed in 1882 as a two room home for the Carmelite priests, this was the
first building in Stanton. Dennis and Mary (Stoeger) Connell made their home
here after their marriage in 1902. Mary bore eight children in the house, which
grew with the family. By 1915 the house had five rooms, with more additions made
in the 1920's and 1930's. The simple home features a distinctive west gable,
weatherboard siding, a front porch with shed room and turned-wood posts, and the
double primary entry doors. Upon the death of the last Connell daughter in 1990
the house was transferred to the local Historical Museum.
In the 1920's some remodeling was done which included running water and
electricty. This the time priod of the restoration. The dishes are the original
china that Mrs. Connell recieved as a wedding gift. Much of the furniture was
crafted by Mr. Connell.

Open by special appointment.

The Martin County
Historical Museum
Call (432) 756-2722
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